


My name is Alexander. I live in Queensland, Australia. I play classical guitar but also like any music I find interesting - rock, heavy metal, pop, jazz, electronic, dance. I have been a music fan for years but this time I decided to write some music of my own. So I have an album of electronic dance music ready to go. I am about to start releasing it. 

Unfortunately for me I never studied music properly. I figured out a few things myself with classical guitar. I got myself into music composition more and more over the last few years.

As I said I am about to release some music I was involved with for the last year and a half. First - a couple of singles, then - the whole album. I continue to write new material all the time. I might try something totally different for the second album. I want to try different styles of music, different instruments, different sets of mind. What will be next? I honestly don't know at this stage. One thing is for sure - it will be exciting!

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